Sunday, February 6, 2011


      I usually describe myself and my values as traditionalist. I go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays, I wear hats and like to dress in vintage. I like making things with my hands and fixing dinner at home instead of eating out. I want to be a teacher, and at some point in time a stay at home mom.  I don't like change in most areas of my life, and I like things to be how I like them to be. Some people may consider me... well, a control freak!

     I'm sick, and I have the T.V. turned on to the Superbowl, not really watching it just waiting for the good commercials and performances to start, I was watching the pre-game show and saw the touching video made of people across the country reading the Declaration of Independence. While watching the video and thinking about the signing of that document and the words it contains, I started thinking about the beginning of our wonderful nation. If I would have been living in England during the late 1700s, would I have gotten on a boat to travel a treacherous journey in the hope of a better life in a different land? On a boat in which a staggering amount of travelers died on the voyage. I'm not sure if I would have had the courage to do that. I may have been content with staying in England, suffering whatever kind of persecution, in order to escape the uncertanties of the New World. That got me thinking back to when Christ walked this Earth. If I would have lived back then, would I have followed this strange man, whom claimed to be the Messiah? Would I have accepted his teachings back then? Would I have been one in the crowds cursing, and abusing this man with liberal values, for the time? What if I would have been appaled by this man's teachings, and what if I screamed to send him to his death? Furthermore, I vote in elections and I'm a woman! Once upon a time, not so long ago, women had to fight for this right! Many of these women who fought for this right were looked down upon, and were thought to be ruining the structure of the traditional home. Oposers to women's voting rights thought that women would neglect their duties at home if they were given the right to vote. Would I have been picketing for voting rights prior to 1920? Or would I have been fine with not voicing my opinion or even opose women's voting rights myself? So am I really a traditionalist? I live in and love a country started by rebels, I serve a Savior who changed the face of religion forever by coming to this world, and I vote as a woman which wasn't possible until 1920! I'm so proud to be an American (I'm getting chills and tears in my eyes listening to Christina sing the Star Spangled Banner right now!), I'm proud to be a woman, and I'm even prouder to be a child of the Risen Savior!

Hope I got you thinking about your own values and walks of life today!

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